Sunday 6 March 2011

Little life update

So I am now on my second part of my year abroad. I'm chillin in Castilla la Mancha (Spain) in a little village. Ok so the village is a bit quiet, not much to do at all.

Windmills is pretty much all this village has to offer

So before I start here are a few pics from a weekend I spent in Madrid with the boyf.

Best lunch ever @ Spott

Walking through Retiro park with Harriet

RIP blackberry :( (it got stolen the w/e after

I'm working as a language assistant at a high school and I'm loving it! My students are soooooo frickin cute! I teach 12-18 year olds and the occasional teacher. I love teaching at the school but the town is a bit blah! It's gorgeous and people are friendly but I miss my friends & boyfriend. Luckily my uni housemate is living in Madrid doing the same thing as me so at the weekends I have been going up to see her. Without her my life would be sooo boring! Thankfully my boyf is coming this week and then I'll be going back to Porto for the weekend and then from then on I'm going back and forth between Porto, Spain and England every weekend until may!

I have to tell you something really exciting! (all 15 of you ha) At the end of the month it's my birthday and I'm going to be 21 :] (This isn't even the exciting bit)...

So I was looking at Sophie's blog and her pictures from her trip to Paris and it really made me want to go, so I hinted to my amazinggg boyfriend that I wanted to spend my birthday in Paris and he has booked an amazing parisienne adventure, filled with amazing lunches and dinners, and a trip to Disneyland! :]

I am soooooo excited! I haven't been to France since I was like... 8 and the last time I went to Disney Land was when I was 6 and my parents lost me for about an hour! I think that experience alone mentally prepared me for my year abroad (14 years later).

Now let me talk about my woe...

So I'm on a no heat diet. Meaning no hair straighteners or curling wands. My hair is in the worst condition and is super thin and know its from excessive heat! So i've decided to not straighten my hair until I go to Paris. Now I know I'm living in a small village where noone cares what they look like, but I care! This is soo hard and I am not loving it! But I'm hoping to have lucious locks for my return to Portugal in the summer! So It has to be done!

Does anyone have any tips on how to get my hair back on its A game?

Love you long time xxx
