Thursday 27 January 2011

Travelling, Friends & Makeup

Olá sexies! I hope you are all having an amazing week :]

My last post got a few comments, which really excited me! But don't forget to follow me :]

This weekend I flew over to Madrid to visit my uni housemate who is teaching out there. It was such a good weekend because two of our other housemates flew over from England and we haven't seen each other since the beginning of september. I only stayed Thursday afternoon to Sunday morning but it was enough to get me super excited for the Spanish half of my year abroad! To be honest eventhough I'm leaving Porto in just over two weeks, I hadn't even thought about Spain until now. I think I have been too scared because it means I have to face reality. Not only will I be leaving the love of my life/ best friend for 4 months, but I will also be living and teaching in the middle of nowhere which is not something to be overly excited about. The school I am teaching in is a secondary school in a village in Castilla la Mancha. This village has no train station and apparently no bus station (from what I can see on the internet). It is definitely going to be some kind of medieval time warp and I will stand out like a sore thumb! Normally I like to stand out, but I don't think I can deal with 4 months of staring!

Anywho... so I went to see Harriet, she's made loads of really nice friends who all asked me what I was doing blah blah blah. When I told them I was teaching they asked me where I would be living and when I told them I was planning to live in the village where I will be teaching... omg the gasps and facial expressions said it all. Apparently nobody lives in the towns where they work, everyone prefers to live in Madrid and travel the  1-2 hours to work everyday. This really scared me as I know how noneexistant the public transport is in my village so it is probably not possible. None the less, I have emailed one of the teachers at my school to help me sort my life out and have already started emailing people about rooms to rent in Madrid. So I will keep you posted.

As well as shocking people, that weekend we went to Toledo for the day, it was a half an hour train journey and a fantastic day. Toledo is a beautiful place! So old and beautiful, although a lot of walking (my calves and thighs were hurting for 3 days afterwards!) I still don't have a camara but thankfully my friend Hannah took some great photos for me! 

Hannah, me, Harriet and Rachel

Chillin: Don Quixote + Sacho Panza

Hannah & I

When we got back from Toledo we had a much needed nap and then decided not to go out because we were still tired. However we were also starving so we went to San Miguel Market in the centre to get some food. Now this place was heaven! It's an indoor food market with all kinds of stalls, from sea food to ham to burgers to sweets! Everything was delicious and surprisingly cheap. Then we went to sleep and flew home in the morning.

On Monday morning my best friend Becca flew over to Porto to visit me! We have been trying to organise this for so long but she hasn't been able to get any time off work. I had a fantastic time with her! It was so nice to be with an old friend in my new home. She only stayed for 3 days so we didn't really do that much and she moaned that I slept too long (but if you go to bed at 7am i think its normal to wake up at 4pm, no?)
Becca went home today, which was sad but I know she'll be back again soon plus I have so many things to sort out and I have to prepare for my big bro to come next week :]

I consider this blog to be my diary, like something that I can look back on and remember how blessed I am to have such a great life. I am addicted to beauty and fashion blogs but I don't think I am ready to actually start one yet but I just wanted to share my excitement for a few products I got recently!

So I have been after the MAC St Germain lipstick for months now, I tried it in the store, fell in love and then got my heart broken when the guy said it was out of stock. It is literally all i think about! Thankfully André has ordered it for me so I just have to wait a week. In the meantime I have been showered with gifts, it started with the MAC Creme D'nude lipstick, then the MAC 168 brush to use with my new MAC venomous villian Briar Rose Blusher (which i've bought to go with my St Germain lipstick :[ ) and then a beautifulll necklace from Casa Batalha. I am a lucky girl!

And then this week I bought 2 things.

First, this Body Shop Brazil Nut exfoliant, which I have been trying to hunt down for weeks!!

and then this YSL lipstick in Provocative Pink, which matched Becca's OPI nail varnish in Flamenco (thanks for leaving it here babe!!!)

So I have had another perfect week (and a bit). But as it gets closer to February I am getting more and more sad about leaving! Last night I went to my old house to say goodbye to Lindsay, when I left I felt so sad because I have hardly been there this last month or so and now I'm saying goodbye to everyone :[ I think I thought I had a lot more time here than I actually do!

Love you long time xxx

Monday 17 January 2011

Two Zero One One

Happy New year everyone! I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and NYE!!

I Apologise for my absence but this time it's totally not my fault! As soon as I got back to England, my lap top broke and I've lost my camera charger so I haven’t been able to take any pictures. Also for the first week and half of being back in England I was working so I had very little to talk about.

Before I headed home for Christmas André took me to Papa Razzi restaurant for dinner. OhMyGod. The food was amazing and the cocktails were out of this world alcoholic! Papa Razzi is by far my favourite restaurant in Porto so it was a perfect way to say goodbye as we both LOVE eating and going out for food!

My new favourite coat & over the knee boots

Getting home was a bit hit or miss because of the problems caused by snow but after a cancelled flight and an hour delay I made it back. It was so nice being back home for Christmas, it was amazing seeing all my friends and family as I hadn’t seen most of them since September!

My beautiful little sister in my leather trousers :]

I loved Christmas, it was a simple day with lots of family and lots of food! My mum truly outdid herself this year! Everything was perfect :] This Christmas she followed Gordon Ramsey's Ham recipe and Jamie Oliver's mince pie with a twist recipe, oh my did she do us proud. Being “an adult” now I don’t get to open as many presents and family members have stopped sending money in my cards which is sad. However Santa (in the form of my brother) brought me the perfect pair of leather trousers (above) :] so I am very happy!

Sisters :]
Charlotte D (sister in-law to be) me and Rianna

Christmas dinner!
Sorry dad someone had to take the pic!

my 1st plate. yummmm
After 2 weeks without him, André finally came to England :] I went to the airport to pick him up and it was v.emotional. I thought there would be that weird period as we hadn’t seen each other for so long, but no there wasn't, it went straight back to normal. Our first day we just slept all day and watched films because he was ill (faryngitis) and I was tired (after working all week). But for the rest of the week we did the whole London tourist thing, I have to admit I am a sloppy tour guide! considering I was showing him round my capital city where I have been hundreds of times you'd think I would know where things were! But oh no, I don‘t. New years eve we went to O Satsuma restaurant in Soho for some sushi! we ate a ridiculous amount of food, and drank a ridiculous amount of alcohol! Then we went to The O Bar which is also in Soho, the plan was to go for a few drinks then go watch the fireworks in South bank. However we drank a little tooooo much and ended up staying at O Bar all night, we had an amazing night and drank some delicious cocktails. It was by far my favourite NYE to date. We had a great time together in England and he got to meet my whole family (the poor guy).

New Years Eve @ O Bar


Family dinner
